A man had spent some time sorting out a complicated and expensive insurance policy to protect his home. Just as the broker was leaving, he asked yet another question.

  “What would I get if the house were to burn down tonight?”

  The broker looked at him. “About ten years, I should think,” he replied.

*sort out, 고르다, 선택하다; insurance policy, 보험증권; broker, 중개인, 보험사원; what……get, 보험에서 지급하는 액수가 얼마나 되는지; about ten years, (여기서는) 십 년 징역형.

*남자는 불이 나서 집이 타버리면 얼마를 받는지 물었는데, 보험사원은 보험료를 받기 위해 불을 내면 10년 징역형은 받을 것이라고 대답한 우스개입니다.

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