While President Calvin Coolidge and his wife were touring a farm, the farmer told Mrs. Coolidge that a rooster can mate up to 30 times a day. “Tell that to Mr. Coolidge,” said the first lady with smile.

  “Does the rooster always mate with the same hen?” the president asked.

  “Oh, no,” said the farmer. “He mates with a different hen every time.”

  The president smirked and exclaimed, “Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge.”

  *Calvin Coolidge, 미국 제30대 대통령; mate, (동물의) 짝짓기; smirk, 능글맞게 웃다.

*출처가 심히 의심스러운 이야기 (An apocryphal story) 인데, 우리나라에서는 낸시와 레이건이 대관령목장에 갔을 때 일어난 일로 묘사되어 유행하기도 했음.

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