A Polish man married an American girl after he had been in the USA a year or so and, although his English was far from perfect, they got on very well. One day, though, he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could arrange an immediate divorce for him.

  The lawyer said that the speed of getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances and asked him the following questions:

Lawyer: “Have you any grounds?”

Pole: “Ja, ja, an acre and half and a nice little home with 3 bedrooms.”

L: “No, I mean, what is the foundation of this case?”

P: “It is made of concrete, brick and mortar.”

L: “Does either of you have a real grudge?”

P: “No, we have a two-carport and have never really needed one.”

L: “I mean, what are your relations like?”

P: “All my relations are in Poland.”

L: “Is there any infidelity in your marriage?”

P: “Ja, we have hi-fidelity stereo set and DVD player with 6.1 sound. We don't necessarily like the music, but the answer to your question is yes.”

L: “No, I mean, does your wife beat you up?”

P: “No, I'm always up before her.”

L: “Is your wife a nagger?”

P: “No, she is white.”

L: “Why do you want this divorce?”

P: “She going to kill me.”

L: “What makes you think that?”

P: “I got proof.”

L: “What kind of proof?”

P: “She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at the drug store and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read; it says, ‘Polish Remover.’”

*ground, 땅 또는 (이혼) 사유; foundation, (건물의) 기초 또는 (이혼의) 근거;

grudge, 원한;

relation, 관계 또는 친척;

infidelity, 부정 또는 배신;

 fidelity, 정절 또는 (무선의) 성능;

 beat, 때리다 또는 앞서다;

nagger, 늘 귀찮게 잔소리하는 사람;

Polish는 폴란드 사람이나 polish는 광택제, 즉 (손톱에 바르는) 매니큐어;

remover, 제거자 또는 지우는 액체.

<외국어가 결코 쉽지 않음을 익살스럽게 표현하는 유머로, 한 단어가 몇 가지의 뜻을 가지고 있다는 사실이나 혼동하기 쉬운 발음에 유의하면서 읽어야 이해할 수 있습니다. 폴란드 사람이grudge를 garage로 잘못 알아듣고 대답하고 있으며, 문법에 맞지 않는 영어를 쓰고 있음에 유의하시오.>

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