<#305 Desk Column>
It’s Time for a New Beginning
By Park Hyo-gyeong, Head Student Editor
Every last day of the year, I do not sleep until I hear the sound of the Watch-Night bell on TV. Whenever I hear the bell’s sound, I feel my heart fluttering with new hope. The day before yesterday, the bell resounded and a new year started once again. At that time, most people might look back on the last year and more importantly, forward to the coming days because it is the perfect time to reflect on the changes we want to make. But, if you have not thought about your hopes for 2011 or made any New Year’s resolutions yet, try sitting down with pen and paper and design your new beginning.
I also thought about my New Year’s resolutions for this year with Chonnam Tribune. From this issue, my articles will be published with the title ‘Head Student Editor’. Yes, as I became the Head Student Editor of Chonnam Tribune, I had time to think how I could contribute to the improvement of Chonnam Tribune. As you know, since Chonnam Tribune changed from a bimonthly magazine to a biweekly tabloid newspaper it could reach  our readers more often., but the Tribune reporters still feel a lack of communication with the readers. Although there might be various causes of the problems, my first priority is to try to solve them by making a better English newspaper with interesting articles and valuable information. I will also find dynamic ways to get closer to our readers.
Moreover, I will personally keep in mind that too much is as bad as too little. I sometimes suffer from a tight schedule caused by my excessive ambition. Last year, I registered for several classes at the Language Education Center without regard to my other duties. In the end I could not attend all of the classes, which I still regret.  So, I promised myself to make a plan which I can do this year.
What resolution did you make for the New Year? Learning something new? Losing weight?, Or quit drinking? Whatever your plan, if you set the goals, you should try to achieve them. I always feel that keeping a plan is more difficult than making the plan. Let’s kick the bad habits and happenings of the past, and start life anew. This year is called ‘The year of the rabbit’. I hope that all of you can jump over obstacles like a rabbit and reach your goal. Moreover, hopefully, with this issue, keep your attention on Chonnam Tribune.
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