How Was Your Summer Vacation?

  The summer vacation is finally over. Summer and vacation always go together in my mind since I'm working in a school after my graduation. At the beginning of a vacation, most people come up with a goal. Some people study, or develop a hobby, or work. Looking back to my summer vacations, I also had some kind of plans at the beginning. As I get older, my goals have become less idealistic. Instead, they became more realistic and smaller each year. However, no matter how small or impractical, making a plan is always exciting and I'm ever more determined to carry out my plan. Sadly though, I have never fully accomplished my goal, and I'm left with much regret after the school starts. I could have enjoyed my fall semester to the full extent if I have done the things I promised myself to do over the summer. However, we all make the same mistake all over again during the next summer despite the failure of previous summer. I hope no one else made the same mistake I made over the course of years. I hope all of you made the most out of your summer.

  We often compare our lives to nature. For an example, the youth is often compared to the spring. Then, what should the summer vacation be compared to? I believe the summer vacation is after high school graduation, and your time in college. This is not to say that taking a break from school is the same thing as stop learning. I'm sure we have all heard that summer vacation is a chance for us to learn without the restrictions of school. The students learn to become more independent and make more decisions for themselves during the summer. You probably received a lot of advice, and help, but you ultimately design your own summer. Therefore, the satisfaction, or the lack there of, depends on each individuals. University graduation closely resembles first lecture from the principal after the summer vacation is over. The 4 years in college play an important role of what you will be doing in the future. What you do during those 4 years may prepare you for the real world, but some fail to clarify their goals in life. No matter what the outcome may be, the future is in your hands. I believe you spent a fulfilling summer, and I also believe you will do the same throughout your college life. With that, I want to ask again. How was your summer?

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